Thursdays have always been very a special evening at Winston’s. For many years, Winston’s hosted a “happy hour” Open Jam every Thursday. It was a great place to play and meet other musicians, improvise and explore new musical ideas, create new friendships and new bands, foster collective communication and genuine expression, build a music community and embrace the spontaneous magic that happens at a jam session when no one knows what’s going to happen next.
This monthly jam session is a renewed extension of the Thursday night tradition. Now the jam is the headliner!
At 8pm we'll start the evening with some "soundcheck" jams from the house band. Once the levels are set and everything is dialed in, we’ll open things up and start inviting guests to join the music making. A backline of tube amps (thank you Gilman Amps!), drums & cymbals, bass rig and keyboard will be provided – please bring your own guitar, bass, drumsticks, sax, horns, percussion, etc…
As we jam through the night we’ll explore a variety of styles and genres, a funky spacey jazzy groove-infused cosmic rock gumbo. Original chord progressions and improvised grooves are highly encouraged and preferred, limited covers are welcome when everyone on stage knows the tune. We’ll do our best to make sure everyone on stage at the same time are all on the same page. It's all a conversation between people in the room and on the stage!
Come hang, have some beers and join us for an evening full of musical adventures.