MDRN HSTRY, WHISKERMAN and DETHSURF - Halloween costume party

$20 @ The Door
Door Time: 

MDRN HSTRY spurred from a jam party one Cinco De Mayo, and their story only gets better from there. From hosting parties with live music in their Garage Mahal, to pushing the boundaries between the connection of music and performance, the band utilizes sound and space to create epic, mesmerizing, and rowdy shows set to a modern 70’s-style sound. MDRN HSTRY has only just begun their journey, and are set to drop their first full-length album, TV Talk,  in January of 2020. We had the chance to catch up with the band, and gain some insight into their unique creative process, and what the future holds.


Whiskerman is a rock-and-roll overture to our great unraveling.Over the last 7 years the Oakland band has developed an underground reputation for tackling the sublime with their ambitious songwriting, thunderous stage show, and acute lyricism. They have since emerged as an engine of the Bay Area’s revitalized psychedelic and festival scenes. Frontman Graham Patzner, who will crow like a medicine show preacher, and then coo you into the arms of his lovesick eternity, might be a spitfire protege of the underworld himself, though, through and through he will remind you that there is no rapture without artistry. On the surface this is splendid rock-and-roll, rooted in the classic, psych and glam rock tradition, but the pageantry and chaos of Whiskerman’s performances will leave you describing an experience more than a sound.


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