Winstons. With just one word I am transported back to a time of innocence and fellowship and friendship and fun. Fun! Like when we were in kindergarten! We had a good seven year run from 1988 - 1995 and I can't tell you how many times someone has come up to me and said, "I saw your show at Winstons" or "I met my husband or wife at Winstons" or "My child was conceived at Winstons." It was a magical time and, as far as I know, never done before and not repeated since. It was just a special time. It was our special church. No Bibles but we sang. And we danced like holy rollers slain in the spirit. And we had fellowship. And we made lifelong friendships. And we shared our joy. From all walks of life, from north county to south bay we had people dancing. You might see someone from Skyline dancing with someone from Rancho Santa Fe! Or El Cajon dancing with Coronado! The entire city was represented in that little bar every Sunday from 5 to 9. And we shared our love. We actually called it church! And what is church if not a group of people getting together and having a good time celebrating life?
We're doing it again!! Easter Sunday, April 16th, 5pm! Along with the band, a special gospel set with guest singers Daneen Whitley Wilburn and Cerissa Mc Queen. You don't want to miss this! I call them my "Queens" because they are!!